Contact Tasks

You can create tasks by using the Contact Tasks feature.

What are Tasks?

Tasks allow you to create a task using a WYSIWYG editor. For example, if you need to make a phone call with a contact 

In addition to the task content, you will be able to keep track of…

  • When the task was added
  • Who it was added by
  • When was the last time the task was edited
  • Type of tasks: Task, Call, Email, and Meeting
  • Sort by: pending, overdue, complete

Viewing a Contact’s Tasks…

There are two ways to view a contact’s tasks

-Under the Tasks Tab

-By checking on the Harbor Marketing Admin Widget

Adding a Task…

To add a task go to the contact record, on the second column you will find three tabs(Activity, Notes, Tasks, Files), click the Tasks tab.

You can then enter the content for your task, select a task type and click [ Create ]

Editing a task

To edit a task click the verticle ellipsis(three dots) and select Edit. You can then edit the task content and save any changes.

Deleting a task

To delete a task click the verticle ellipsis(three dots) and select Delete. 

You will be asked to confirm

Completing a task